Web Intro & Banner Design
Web Intro
A Web or Flash intro is an introduction to your website using flash animation. A professionally designed Flash Intro creates a lasting impression & also enforces your brand.
Stunning flash intros are usually forwarded by visitors to their friends & colleagues, thereby increasing your website visibility.
At Axil Creation our flash designers not only create visually appealing flash intros, but also factor in the following:
Keep download time to minimum.
Maintain balance of website & company logos & graphics.
Flash Intro design in synch to target audience.
SEO friendly webpage structure for flash intro page.
Banner Design
A banner ad is an interactive online advertisement in the form of a graphic image that typically runs across the top or bottom of a webpage, or is positioned in a margin or other space reserved for ads. Banner ads are historically GIF images. Many ads are animated GIFs since animation has been shown to be more effective.
For a banner campaign to succeed, a professionally designed banner Ad is a required. A professional banner ad design takes into account several factors.
Your banner Ad must stand out among the competition. For this, the Text should deliver a powerful message along with eye-catching graphics to make an overall winning ad.
A faster downloading animation can increase your CTR [click-to-ratio] The graphics should blend in with the rest of the site & not irritate the user.
Your banner Ad should induce the visitor to click. For this to happen, a call to action is required to make the visitor click on your advert. ‘Click here now!’, ‘Buy Now’, increase your CTR.
We design animated and static banners following Internet advertising standards for sizes and dimensions. We also customize banners for our clients, for example, odd-sized banners, flash banner, multi-lingual text in ad banners etc.
Contact Us for all your Web Intro and Banner Design needs Now!